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A New Orleans tradition on the Road

The Red Beans Roadshow is a restaurant pop-up series that takes a New Orleans' trademark Monday-night tradition on the road. The roadshow pairs writer/photographer/ne'er do well Pableaux Johnson with a local host chef for a night of good, simple food, camaraderie and appropriate misbehavior.

photo by Chris Granger

photo by Chris Granger

Modeled on Pableaux's New Orleans home-based tradition, each event features a hearty Louisiana supper (red beans and rice, skillet cornbread) combined with the whims of our host chef (starter and dessert courses). Less a dinner party than an informal family supper, diners are encouraged to belly up to the table and break cornbread with friends and strangers alike.

Based on Pableaux's 2009 travel/writing project, the Red Beans Roadshow now regularly holds events in Washington DC, Atlanta and Nashville. During the summer of 2015, he'll take to the road once again, teaming up with an amazing roster of fantastic chefs in cities across the US.

It all adds up to a great, informal night of Louisiana culture, with a nice slab of crunchy cornbread on the side. 


How it Works

Anatomy of a Louisiana popup supper

How it Works

Anatomy of a Louisiana popup supper


The Home Table hits the road

ยท      It's pretty simple, actually. Over the years, we've adapted Pableaux's Monday-night red beans and rice tradition to the rigors of the road. It's a chance to take Louisiana hospitality to far-flung cities, to commune with like-minded chefs and see (and make) friends along the way. 

  •  In its current incarnation, the Red Beans Roadshow is an ongoing series of medium-format pop-up suppers held in restaurants around the US.

  • Pableaux teams up with a local partner chef for an informal family-style feast.

  • He cooks red beans and skillet cornbread. The host chef serve up a simple starter (deviled eggs, hand pies, etc.) and a dessert (bread puddin', pies pies pies).  

  • The Roadshow is informal, and as unfussy as we can possibly make it. We gravitate toward 8-person tables (to encourage crosstalk) and a "put your phone away" policy (to encourage conversational mystery and creative storytelling). 

  • As ringleader and organizer, Pableaux does short explanatory dog-and-pony shows on Louisiana foodways. 

  • Roadshows are ticketed events (beer/wine inclusive) and seat between 50-80 folks a show. Tickets are purchased on this site.